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Our university was voted as most popular science and engineering universities

Published: 2015-01-22
Recently, China International School Service(CISS) released a ranking voted by overseas students applied China university successf..

Aerospace Engineering in the Key University of China

Published: 2014-08-13
China is the third powerful country in the Aviation and aerospacefields, just after the most powerful a..

Pauline Dimond, the Australian Teacher in NPU, wins the 2011 Shannxi Friendship Award

NWPU News Network reported in December 7 that the working conference onthe introduction of overseas high-level talents by Shannxi province was held inXi’an yesterday. Pauline Dimond, the Australian T..

NPU attended the EU Erasmus Mundus Project Conference

Report from NPU News Net on Nov 17: At the beginning of this month, SunYu, the Vice Director of International Cooperation Department of NPU, went toBrussels Free University in Belgium and attended the..

Foreign Teachers Wanted

15 English and two German language teaching posts and are available starting from1st ofSeptember and is offered on a fixed-term contract for a period of one academicyear ending on 31st of July. 1. Req..
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